To Be or Not To Be My Birthday is The Question?
You are probably asking yourself, “Why is it a question whether or not it’s her birthday, or doesn’t this woman know when she was born.” Well let me share my story. January 24 is the day I celebrate my birthday, at least I believe I was actually born on that day. My mother shared with me years ago that my father was convinced I was born on the 25th.
However, I don’t have any recollection so I guess it’s up for debate. My father told me that he was overwhelmed and not quite ready for my arrival when my mother went into labor. So his memory may not have been serving him well. On the other-hand he was quite accurate with numbers and dates. So now I’m more confused than when I started. For as long as I can remember I celebrated my born day every year on the 24th of January. So I think I’ll stick to that and choose to worry less about complicated issues.

Birthday blog
Last year I decided to finally start this blog, so I purchased the domain and hosting on the night of December 24, 2018. I wanted to go live on my alleged birthday (Jan. 24) however life got in the way. I decided to go through with writing my post and publishing it anyway. So if you are reading this post after my birthday don’t worry keep reading you’re not delusional….lol

I decided to twin with my daughter Sadiah for my birthday. I love twinning with Sadiah. Mainly because she’s still at an age where she will do almost anything mommy ask of her. Second it’s my way of creating memories and bonding with her.

When this blue sequin midi skirt hit the sale category I immediately added it to my cart. Before I checked out I went to the kids section to see if they had anything similar for girls. B-I-N-G-O!!! Sadiah’s tulle layered sequin skirt was a “must have” to accomplish the perfect birthday pics. I think we pulled it off pretty cool, wouldn’t you agree? Sadiah has her own creative style so when she pulled out her Jordan’s I was like Umm? But then I said, “YES” it added a cute twist/spunk to our look. Sadiah is my modern day Punky Brewster. I’m not sure if you all are young enough to remember that show but I loved it.

I hope you enjoyed this post feel free to comment below. Thank you for stopping by! Until Next Time ………. Happy Birthday to Me!