Road Tripping to Howard University
Have you ever planned a trip literally at the spur of the moment? I’m almost always down for a spontaneous trip. Except the one time when Naif (my son) was maybe one years old and Sadiq (my husband) wanted to fly to Chicago for the night and return the next day. I know it sound exciting! But I wasn’t quite down because Naif was with his g-d-mother and I couldn’t do it without giving advance notice (I chickened out). But what if our flight was delayed or something? Those were the thoughts that went through my big head. I didn’t want to take the risk!
However when Naif was roughly around five months old Sadiq planned an overnight trip to Washington D.C. He didn’t tell me until we were on the road and I almost peed my pants. Naif was with my mother this go round, it was a nice sunny Saturday. I freaked out a little because I was still nursing and I needed to pump. We checked into a hotel where I was able to handle my business then we ventured out into the city. We had a wonderful time. I took a picture in front of the White House before all the walls and barriers were set up. Promise you won’t laugh I was five months postpartum with a shirt that was wayyyy too small ….lol

Washington D.C. 2005
Night fall was approaching quick and we were circling around trying to get to the Lincoln Memorial. Unfortunately we decided to abandon the mission and try again the next day. Instead we grabbed something to eat and went to the movies. I believe we were in the Georgetown University area. It is a quaint neighborhood with a variety of shops and a bookstore. We quickly browsed the bookstore and left the area. After dinner and the movies we drove around Washington D.C. looking at houses and beautiful brownstones. We stumbled upon the historic HBCU Howard University. (HU- You Know) that’s the saying right? It was pretty late in the evening so we didn’t get a chance to explore the campus. Going back to visit has always been on my bucket-list.

Which leads me to my latest visit to Howard University. It was spring break and I was browsing through social media and I came across an event showcasing the documentary “She Did That” film by Renae Bluitt. It is a film about African American Women Entrepreneurs. A generation of women business owners leading the way who are not afraid to take on the naysayers. The film was being showcased at Howard University Business School and I felt like I needed to be in the building. I wanted to witness stories from women of color who are “building legacies, making history, and inspiring the future”. I also thought I needed to take my daughter along for the ride so she can be continuously exposed to greatness and the endless possibilities this world has to offer. What better place to witness all of this Blackgirlmagic than at HU.

The film was excellent! It included to name a few trailblazer Lisa Price of Carol’s Daughter, Tonya Rapley of My Fab Finance, Luvvie Ajayi Bestselling author of “I’m Judging You” and Melissa Butler of The Lipbar a vegan cruelty-free beauty line which is sold in Target. The ladies shared their not so fabulous journey to entrepreneurship. Typically people see the finish product or the end result we rarely get to see or hear about the struggles and milestones along the way of becoming an entrepreneur or the actual running of the business. The ladies shed light on the ups and downs, fears, courage and faith one need to consume to have the AUDACITY to pursue your dream(s). By any means it is not an easy task nor a walk in the park but when you see your vision and what you believe in come to life it brings so much joy!

The panel discussion was moderated by Kela Walker and included Kim Smith owner of Marjani Beauty and Tamara Nall of The Leading Niche along with the Executive Producer of the film Renae Bluitt. The ladies provided extraordinary feedback as well as great advice for aspiring business owners. The audience asked amazing questions overall it was a great experience. And did I mention they fed us during a small reception BONUS!! I know I love to EAT. So tell me have you ever gone on a spontaneous road trip? Do you think you would go see the film if it came to a city near you? Comment below

My Fab Finance

Tah Blackwell
I find that the spontaneous trips are the best it’s nice to just go with the flow sometimes. And there is nothing like meeting beautiful women that’s making waves I love it!!
I agree Tah spontaneity is the best. We’ve done it so many times… Yes we must celebrate each other
I love road trips ..if I’m not the one driving LOL I actually would like to take one to Washington to go to the African American museum… I’m so happy that you took your daughter. It’s good to see females doing it big and especially ones that look like you. I’ve heard of all These women I hope one day I can go to one and listen to their discussions! Thank you for sharing 😊
Hi Adrienne The Smithsonian African American History and Culture Museum is a Must see! It is mind blowing. I hope the film come to your city or near your city soon. It was great supporting and learning from Women of Color and them sharing their knowledge. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Thank you I appreciate your feedback I hope she visit but be safe out there
Thank you I’m glad you enjoyed it