All I want for Mother’s Day is……..
Ladies & Gents Mother’s Day is around the corner and all I want for Mother’s Day is a Brand New Shiny Sewing Machine. Last month I participated in a sewing class but little did I know I wasn’t going to learn how to sew in just two hours. The instructor said bring material so I went to JoAnn’s the night before the class (procrastinator) to purchase some material. I just knew I was going to get started on my sequin skirt that evening. I know I have high expectations. However what I did learn how to do was thread the machine which is half the battle and sew a not so straight line…. haha I guess it’s a start.

So I thought the perfect Mother’s Day gift for me would be a sewing machine. I mean I could really ask for something major but I think this will serve a meaningful purpose in my life since I want to continue to foster the skills I’ve learned in class. But the learning doesn’t stop there! There are plenty of Youtube videos I can watch plus join Facebook communities where I’m sure there are people who are willing to help. I also considered hiring someone to work with me one-on-one which is not expensive.
I enjoyed meeting and networking with others such as my co-worker who joined the class. There was another young lady who had a lot more experience but was willing to share her number so we can stay in touch. She was also super encouraging telling us, “You can do it with PRACTICE” and how she started right where we are.
I’m excited to embark on this new journey. When I was younger my mother use to have my sister and I outfits custom made. We use to wear matching outfits like the double mint twins. I know I’m dating myself but that’s okay. Google the double mint twins if you have no idea what I’m talking about and select images you’ll see.
What is on your list for Mother’s Day? Have you taken up a new hobby lately? Comment below … I suggest you try something! Its fun and it’s entertaining. Stay tuned for my projects.
Happy Mother’s Day!!!

For Mother’s Day I would like flowers! I’m very simple! I love the fact that you’re taking an activity to the next level!
Hey Max thanks for sharing! I like flowers too 💐 I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day. I’ll keep you updated on my 1st project fingers crossed 🤞🏽
A sewing class sounds like so much fun! I used to sew when I was in elementary school. I hope you get your sewing machine soon. Can’t wait to see what you make!
Yes Leslie I’m excited, trying to decide which one to get because the reviews are interesting. I remember sewing 🧵 my first project in elementary too a pink & white jumpsuit. Stay tuned … Thanks